Writers and Poets of Mythology

Myths didn't just pop out of the air, someone had to write them. I have listed some of the more famous GREEK ones. The birthdates and death dates are not always correct, so don't bother me about it, ok?

Aeschylus - [525-456 B.C.E] -
A poet, he is held by many to be the founder of the Greek tradgedy. He is credited with creating a ‘more than one person play’ - before his time a play only had one actor on the stage at a time. Some of his plays remain: The Seven Against Thebes, Prometheus Bound, and more.

Aesop - [600 B.C.E] -
Writer of the Greek fables. He was a slave of a Thracian in Samos. Both Plato and Socrates put some of his fables into verse.

Apollonius Rodius - [295-215 B.C.E.] -
His name “Rhodius” comes fro the fact that he spent most of his life on Rhodes, but he was born in Alexandria. He is famous for putting Jason’s famous adventure into its most accepted form, “The Argonautica”.

Aristophanes - [450-385 B.C.E] -
Aristophanes was a comedy writer(most of his plays are still intact!). He was born in Athens but grew up in Aegina. His first work, Daitalus gave him his fame, unfortunately it is now lost. He wrote comedies about the Peloponnesion Wars which he lived through. They all reflected how ironic life was. Some of his works include “The Clouds” and “The Wasps”.

Euripides - [480-406 B.C.E] -
Euripides was a tradgedian and ranked with Aeschylus and Sophocles, but his thoughts were different from theirs. He believed that the gods and goddesses bickered and acted like children, so they couldn’t be responsible for creating the universe. The mortals were much more exciting through his eyes. Some of his in-tact plays are: The Bacchae, Electra, Hecuba, Heracles, Medea, and the Trojan Women.

Hesiod - [800 B.C.E., later than Homer] -
One of the better known poets, Hesiod was a poor Greek farmer. His thoughts are more analyzed then Homer’s favor of the gods. In “Work and Days” he describes a very vivid idea of everyday life in ancient Greece, that is lived by regular Joes, not Homer’s fantasy characters. His “Theogony” describes the mythological creation of the universe and the family of the divine. He also likes to tell about the dark side of the religion such as human sacrifice and witchcraft. His life came to a tragic end when he was murdered by brothers of a woman he had had sex with.

Homer - [probably 1050-850 B.C.E.] -
Homer has been and still is Greece’s national poet (whudda ya know? he’s my favorite too!). He is a very vague man because no one knows exactly where he was born or what he was like. Most thoughts on him are being a blind, old, crippled man, but this isn’t for sure. Homer wrote the “Iliad” and the “Odyssey” to take place in Greece’s “Dark Age”, the only poet to write about anything in this time period. His epic poems were used for elementary school teaching in ancient times. He also wrote many “Homeric Hyms”.

Pindar - [518-438 B.C.E.] -
Pindar was born inot a well known family near Thebes (very different then Hesiod already). When he was about 20 another family of noble quality asked him to write a poem for their son who was a champion in the Pythian Games. He did a wonderful job, word spread; he bloomed into a great lyrical poet.

Sophocles - [496-406 B.C.E]-
Sophocles was one of the great tradgedians of Greece. He was born near Athens and possibly died there. He wrote over 100 plays, but only 7 survive, these include : Ajax, Antigone, Oedipus and Electra. He enhanced the number of actors from two to three whch made the dramas even better. From artifacts we know that Sophocles was a well rounded guy; he served in the army, was a priest, poet and actor/singer.
